

    Moovit For PC - Free Download On Windows 10/8/7 (32/64-bit)

    Moovit for pc

    Moovit: Bus, Rail, Timetables, Maps For PC


    Moovit PC Is Now Available For Windows 10/8/7. Download Moovit For PC And Play Smoothly Even On Low System Specifications. Just Scroll below to read the easiest way to Run Moovit on PC. Also, You can run Moovit without an Emulator. All the possible ways are Mentioned in this Masterguide.

    Moovit for pc Moovit for pc Moovit for pc Moovit for pc Moovit for pc

    Overview For Moovit PC

    App Name Moovit For PC
    Category Maps & Navigation
    Last Updated
    Get it on
    File Size 35MB
    Compatibility Requires Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10
    Developed By Moovit

    Moovit Description

    Moovit is one app for all your urban mobility and transport rides!🚍🚇🚘🚴‍♀️

    🏆 Dailymail - "This travel app is a godsend for anyone using public transport – with live updates to bus schedules, as well as a great route-planner for cities across the UK."🏆

    Whether you ride the train🚆, subway/underground /tube🚇, bus🚍, light rail🚈, ferry⛴️ or metro, use bikes🚴‍♀️, ride-sharing like Uber🚘, getting the best urban mobility information is critical. Moovit guides you from point A to B in the easiest and most efficient way. Get train and bus times, maps, and live arrival times with ease so you can plan your trip with confidence. Find critical alerts and service disruptions for your favorite lines. Get step-by-step directions of optimal route bus, train, metro, bike or a combination of them.
    This is why Moovit has been named Google Play's Best Local App of 2016 - US, CA, HK and more!

    🌍Moovit guides more than 930 million users in over 3,400 cities throughout the world.

    🚍Journey Planner that combines you all transport options and gives you the best route with live arrivals.

    🔔 Live Directions: Get step-by-step directions with live guidance as you travel: know exactly how long you need to walk to your station, how long you’re waiting, view the arrival time of your line and how many stops are left.

    ✔️ Real time arrivals. View real-time arrival updates, which are taken directly from GPS devices positioned on buses and trains.

    Real time alerts. Know about issues ahead of time by receiving service alerts such as emergency or unexpected disruptions, delays, traffic jams, new construction and more...

    📄Users reports. Moovit’s users report issues found with stations, line service, and timetables so that we can inform all nearby riders about what’s going on in their area.

    🚩Favorite lines, stations, and places. Get easy access to lines, stations, and places you ride and visit all the time. Plus, get real-time updates!

    🚴 Bike routes. Get bike routes in addition to the bus, subway, train, or metro trip plans. If you ride bikes (yours or shared) we can plan a route that includes the train or bus. Bike docking stations are updated in real-time.

    🗺️ Maps view.View all stations, routes, and lines on the subway or bus map. Additionally, maps are available in PDF for when you’re offline, or underground on the subway.

    Ride with Moovit in all major cities:
    • London
    • Manchester
    • Birmingham
    • Edinburgh
    • Glasgow
    • Liverpool
    • Sheffield

    • Dublin and all of the Republic of Ireland.

    and in over 3400 across 112 other countries

    Moovit supports all major transit:
    • TFL - Bus, Tube, DLR, Overground, Ferry (River Bus), Tfl Rail, Tram, Coach
    • National Express
    • National Rail
    • Arriva
    • First
    • Stagecoach and more...

    • Bus Eireann
    • Dublin Bus
    • Irish Rail
    • Kenneally’s Bus Service and more…

    Bike sharing provided by:
    • Santander Cycles in London
    • BelfastBikes in Belfast
    • Bike in Bath
    • Nextbike in Glasgow

    •Delhi: Delhi Metro (DMRC), Delhi Buses (DTC), Northern Railways (NR)
    •Mumbai: Mumbai Metro (M.M.R.D.A), all buses: BEST, NMMT, KDMT, VVMT, MBMT, KMT, TMT, Ferries and more
    •Bangalore: Namma Metro, B.M.T.C (buses and metro feeder routes), South Western Railways
    •Chennai: Chennai Metro Rail, all buses - Metropolitan Transport Corporation (MTA)
    •Ahmedabad: A.M.T.S, Bus Rapid Transport System (BRTS), V.T.C.O.S
    •Pune: Indian Railways, Pune Local Central Railways, Pune Mahanagar Parivahan Mahaman.

    • MRT, LRT, bus, tram, cable car & shuttle buses.
    • SBS
    • SMRT
    • Tower Transit
    • Go-Ahead Singapore

    System Requirements For Moovit

    Minimum Recommended
    Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system Requires a 64-bit processor and operating system
    OS: 64-bit Windows 7, Windows 8.1, Windows 10 OS: 64-bit Windows 10
    Processor: Intel Core i5-4430 / AMD FX-6300 Processor: AMD Ryzen 5-1600 / Intel Core i5-7600K
    Memory: 8 GB RAM Memory: 16 GB RAM
    Graphics: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 960 2GB / AMD Radeon R7 370 2GB Graphics: Nvidia GTX 1060 6GB or better
    DirectX: Version 11 DirectX: Version 11
    Network: Broadband Internet connection Network: Broadband Internet connection
    Storage: 30 GB available space Storage: 30 GB available space

    How to: Download and Install Moovit For Windows 10 PC and Laptop

    Follow below simple steps to Run Moovit on Windows 10 (32 / 64 Bit) Desktop and Laptop also:

    1. Download BlueStacks Emulator on Your Windows Computer.
    2. Execute the .exe file of BlueStacks Emulator and Run it to Install.
    3. Set up a Google Play Account on Emulator.
    4. Now, Search for Moovit App and click Install.
    5. Wait for Installation Process is Done.
    6. Go to BlueStacks Dashboard and you will see Moovit app has been successfully installed on Your Windows 10 PC.
    7. Now you can run and play Moovit app on your PC

    Moovit in pc

    Download Moovit For Windows 7 PC (32 / 64 Bit)

    Moovit is officially launched for Android devices, not for Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8, 8.1 and Windows 10. That's why, We shared above the APK File for Windows PCs to Install Moovit. Unfortunately, Windows 7 32 bit and 64 bit are not able to run Moovit Directly.

    But, luckily we have two methods to Run Moovit on Windows 7 PC (32 bit and 64 bit).

    1. Run Moovit with BlueStacks Emulator
    2. And without an Emulator

    With this method, you can Run and Play Moovit on Windows 7 PC (32 bit / 64 bit) including Windows 10 and 8 PC.

    Run Moovit For Windows PC Without Emulator

    You will be surprised to know that you can play Moovit not only on Windows 7 PC (32 Bit) but also on lesser requirements PCs. Apart from this, it will not lag on your PC at all and will run as it runs on mobile.

    For this method, You need an Android Device and Windows 7 PC (32 bit) or any other variants. Then, follow the below steps:

    1. Just Download and Install TC Games Software on your PC.
    2. Now Launch Settings on your Android Device and look for the Developer Option.
    3. Turn on the Developer Option and you will see USB Debugging, Turn on it.
    4. Open TC Games on your PC.
    5. Then, Open TC Games app on your Android Mobile.
    6. Now, Connect Android Mobile with Windows PC via USB Data Cable.
    7. You will see a permission pop-up on your Android.
    8. Read and Allow Permissions carefully and Tap to Connect on your PC.
    9. The connection process will commence. Wait for establishing the connection.
    10. When the Connection process is over then, You will see your PC is converted into an Android Mobile.
    11. Now, Open Moovit app on your PC and use it without any Emulator.


    Moovit is a Maps & Navigation styled app that is developed by Moovit. This site has no connection with the App developer (Moovit). This article is published for Education and Promotional purposes only. Here you learn the best way to Install and Run any android app on Windows PC and MacBook.


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